Bill Welcome to my 2009 Guestbook!

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Number of Guests in 2009: 17

  Date: 12/3/2009, 5:39 pm, EDT
  Name: scott
Message: great site
  Date: 10/18/2009, 5:52 pm, EDT
  Name: margaret d. kelly
  Surnames being researched: stukley, oliver, william, walter westcott
  How did you find this site?: stukley westcott reasearch site
Message: hi, glad to see there are some main westcotts. do you know ernest william ( bill) kelly? he 's our son, and lives iin Limington main.
  Date: 10/11/2009, 1:12 pm, EDT
  Name: Byron Westcott
  How did you find this site?: searching
Message: Funy thing I have two brothers named William and Richard Westcott. My dad was born in MN. when my Dad was a little boy, he came to Indiana by covered wagon.
  Date: 8/11/2009, 7:28 pm, EDT
  Name: Hazel Davis
  Surnames being researched: Davis, Folsom, Smith, Smythe, Washington,
                               Dalton, Kuykendall
  How did you find this site?: scanning the internet
Message: All of My Ancestors were emigrants to America, 1584 - 1662, so I have a lot of kinfolk, for sure. I am from many surnames. I research for Origin of Names too...and the Wescott...has an Eust...& other letters of the Alphabet as part of that name. West is Eust...Eaust...& other spellings to that name... depending on the Race of people to which the Conquering Families married into...when a Country / Land & it's inhabitants were Fully Conquered. The Folsom Family Ancestory connections, are descendants of Royalty of European Countries...& dating back to an Era Before the 12-Tribes of Israel, existed. This makes the 5-Civilized Tribes, also of that same Royalty Ancestory. I am of Mixed-Blood European Royalty & American Indian Heritage, no CDIB card, yet. I am an avid researcher of history...mainly the Military History of America / USA...since I am from the Same Ancestory of Montague as George Washington & Dolley Payne/Paine-Todd-Madison. I would like to share some discoveries of history with others... and allow me to make this statement of truth: It is the Military Combat Soldiers, who are the Largest Population of "Carriers of Unhealthy Genetics, which Do Transmit into Their Succeeding Generations" and the Founding Fathers of America, "well-knew" this fact...and therefore, established a Supreme Law for them and their succeeding generations,...any military combat soldiers & their succeeding new meaning to the forming of a new government established for Freedom & Individual Equal Rights. Some of my research studies has been sent to the Dept. of Defense, in hopes of Preventive Measures Against Birth Defects of Offspring from Military Combat Soldiers. Thanks for the Opportunity to write a script upon this page of this guestbook.
Ms. Hazel Davis
Military History Researcher
Genealogist / Historian
(b. November 26, 1944)
P.O. Box 37
LeQuire, Oklahoma 74943
Phone: 918-967-8390
  Date: 7/7/2009, 10:53 am, EDT
  Name: Margaret D. Kelly
  Surnames being researched: Westcott, Stukley Andwalter 
                               Lional Westcott
  How did you find this site?: by reading part 1 of westcott family 
                                  history ancient
Message: My grandfather, walter, married amy,. They lived in the hatch lake, near West Eaton ny, all their lives. In fact he was amazed to find a town as "big" as Morrisville, ny. He was farmer and we are a great bunch of family living in the West Eaton/Eaton/ Morrisville, new york area. I went outside of Madison county to marry so I wouldn't marry a cousin, there area so many of us, and we now live in Berkshire, ny. Even here there is a couple of families of Westcotts who are related. I am looking for some of my relatives who live in Main and other states, I have cousins in Colorado, Maryland,, a brother in Texas, a sister in California, and a son who lives in Limiting Mane. I can be reached at the above e-mail if anyone wants to contact me.
margaret d.
  Date: 6/5/2009, 12:49 pm, EDT
  Name: Kurt Wescott
  Surnames being researched: Wescott
  How did you find this site?: searched my last name
Message: wow we have a huge family
  Date: 5/6/2009, 10:31 pm, EDT
  Name: Grant
  Surnames being researched: Grant Wescott
  How did you find this site?: Google, searching
Message: I am a Wescott, and I was going to do a project on my Name history and I was wondering what the most interesting this about out history was. Thank You.
  Date: 4/23/2009, 11:44 am, EDT
  Name: larry wescott
  Surnames being researched: wescott
  How did you find this site?: online
Message: no message at this time. but i have a long line of familys starting with grandfathers. louis, eugene, abner etc. 25 or 30 in all.
  Date: 4/15/2009, 12:51 pm, EDT
  Name: Dan Wescott
  Surnames being researched: wescott 
Message: looking fir information on William B Wescott bornd in 1824 New York died in Van Buren Ar. 1907 had a brouther that lived in Bufflo N.Y. and was a millright had a daughter named Lillie
  Date: 3/24/2009, 10:17 am, EDT
  Name: Sherry Thaden
  Surnames being researched: Furbert De Westcote, westcott,
                                 Wescott, Wescoat
Message: I'm back to 1164 and if you would like information please contact me. Furbert De Westcote
  Date: 3/19/2009, 2:59 pm, EDT
  Name: Russell Wescott
  How did you find this site?: email from wife (google search)
Message: Don't know if were related as I'm from Ill and was born in Ore. those are only places I know I have relations
  Date: 3/16/2009, 11:39 am, EDT
  Name: Frank Wescott
  Surnames being researched: Wescott, Roberts
  How did you find this site?: surfing the web
Message: have searched back as far as 1819.any info on charles wescott, or tobias roberts of brooksville,maine would be appreciated
  Date: 3/8/2009, 5:57 am, EDT
  Name: bronwyn wescott
  Surnames being researched: wescott
  How did you find this site?: a sister in law sent me the link
Message: thanks this has shown me just how much more i have to find out I am from a line of wescotts e.g. George Blagdon Wescott who was killed in the french revolution on board one of Lord Nelsons boats I am just beginning my search and am absolutly luving it thank you for the opportunity to read your research
  Date: 2/23/2009, 8:19 pm, EDT
  Name: Frank
  Surnames being researched: Haislett
Message: Nice site I wise there where more.
  Date: 2/18/2009, 5:17 am, EDT
  Name: Roger
Message: Hey nice site!
  Date: 2/12/2009, 1:43 am, EDT
  Name: sonya macfarlane
  Surnames being researched: macfarlane
  How did you find this site?: google
Message: looking for family tree
  Date: 2/11/2009, 3:43 pm, EDT
  Name: Carol Peterson Tatay
  How did you find this site?: Googled Kathleen Libby Bailey
Message: Kathleen Bailey is my second cousin. My father Dan Peterson was born on the Libby River Farm in 1911. His mother was Ethel May Libby, uncles were Clinton and Franklin Libby. Their father was suposedly Augustus Libby Their mother was Grace Libby Newcomb. I grew up in Kansas City, Ks. and never knew my cousins. I would like to find out more about the LIbby Farm and relatives. I would like to see pictures of the farm. I was only there twice.